
  • Name: Mr Leaf LLC
  • Address: 56 Leaf Lane, Leafville, California 45693.
  • Description Harvestor of Lettuce
  • Contact Name: Mrs. Pauline Leaf
  • Phone Number: +1 847 694 463
  • Business Registration Number: 2233123091 Download


  • Name: Taco’s World
  • Address: 39CN Road, Winglow Street, California 43439.
  • Description The Harvestor of green organic vegetables
  • Contact Name: Taco Windson
  • Phone Number: +1 876 592 849
  • Business Registration Number: 2233123092 Download


  • Name: AgriSam
  • Address: 31/2, Wilson Street, California 72589
  • Description Leading agriculture firm in California produces cabbage
  • Contact Name: Sam Ericsson
  • Phone Number: +1 476 249 891
  • Business Registration Number: 2233123093 Download
